Tips for moving with pets

Tips for moving with pets

It’s no secret that most pets need extra care when moving home. They don’t instinctively understand what is happening with changes to their normally safe environment and being territorial creatures, anxiety and behavioural issues can occur during the moving process. The hustle and bustle of packing, furniture being out of place, strangers suddenly appearing within their environment and less time for routines can easily make your pet feel anxious. At worst, moving home can lead to some pets going missing. So, let’s do everything we can to avoid this while keeping them calm at the same time.

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What makes a GREAT removalist?

What makes a GREAT removalist?

A truly great removalist is a rare breed. It’s somebody that has a wide range of exceptional qualities, as well as someone who is - let’s face it - a little bit ‘bananas’, allowing them to get through a tough job; day-in and day-out. The qualities required to make a great Sydney removalist aren’t taught. There is no TAFE or university course to qualify as a great removalist. There’s no on-the-job training either. For characteristics such as the ability to keep on smiling throughout a 40 degree day whilst moving a four bedroom home are innate. Found deep within a strong, healthy body, and an even stronger mind. They sure do stand out from the pack though!

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How to choose a professional removalist

How to choose a professional removalist

Over a quick phone call, you will be able to judge if the removalist company you are speaking with are professional, will meet your expectations, and suit your type of move. Follow these tips, listen to your instincts, and you can feel comfortable knowing you are moving with a reputable Sydney removalist.

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Do your belongings want to move with you?

Do your belongings want to move with you?

This particular question arised after a recent and very interesting conversation with a client who was in the process of moving. She was applying the popular Marie Kondo de-cluttering technique while moving her family into their new home, and her whole moving experience was made much better for it. She even described her move as joyful! We hope you find some useful tips here to assist you in moving house conciously.

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The year that was

The year that was

With the start of a new year, we naturally look back at the previous year which was 2018 with fond Frog memories and also acknowledge some awesome milestones. We look forward to exciting times ahead - a promising year in Sydney removals and our twelfth year in business. It makes us so very happy. We love our small business which is not only made up of boxes, trucks and muscles, but also lots of blood, sweat and tears. Oh, and laughs. Lots of laughs.

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Spring-time removals in Sydney

Spring-time removals in Sydney

For Sydney-siders, Spring means longer and warmer days. We find ourselves flocking to the beach in droves on the first real hot day, taking the kids to community fairs, celebrating and entertaining outdoors, as well as aiming to include more outdoor exercise in our daily rituals. For some it includes spring cleaning, and for those in the real estate and Sydney furniture removal industries, it is the promise of a greater market and the lead up to busy and prosperous times ahead, including the well-renowned Christmas rush.

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Welcome to our first ever FrogBlog!

Welcome to our first ever FrogBlog!

OK, so it’s taken us almost 18 years to get blogging, be-friend social media and get the business online. Why so long? Frog Furniture Removals was established in 1997. That makes us a little bit ‘old’ for a small business (the RBA state that small business exit rates are approximately 15-20% each year so we know we’ve been doing something right).

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